Scientific article 1. FEB 2018
Impact of red and processed meat and fibre intake on treatment outcomes among patients with chronic inflammatory diseases: protocol for a prospective cohort study of prognostic factors and personalised medicine.
- Christensen R
- Heitmann BL
- Andersen KW
- Nielsen OH
- Sørensen SB
- Jawhara M
- Bygum A
- Hvid L
- Grauslund J
- Wied J
- Glerup H
- Fredberg U
- JF Dahlerup
- Anders Bo Bojesen
- Jens Kjeldsen
- Andersen V
- Christensen RHeitmann BLAndersen KWNielsen OHSørensen SBJawhara MBygum AHvid LGrauslund JWied JGlerup HFredberg UJF DahlerupAnders Bo BojesenJens KjeldsenAndersen V
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BMJ Open