Konferencebidrag 2022
Inequality of opportunity and life chances in Danish deprived neighbourhoods 2000-2019
Udgivelsens forfattere:
- Gunvor Christensen
- Mette Lunde Christensen
- Anders Winkler
We examine inequality of opportunity and life chances in Danish deprived neighbourhoods, using administrative records for the period 2000-2019. Our paper has three main results. First, we find that children growing up in deprived neighbourhoods with parents without education and employment to a larger degree are in education or employment at age 29 than other youths of the same parental background in general in the population. Second, we split according to ethnic origin. Here we find that although education levels for young people of ethnic origin in a MENAPT country have been increasing in general, education levels of young people of MENAPT origin from deprived neighbourhoods are the same as for young people of non-MENAPT origin (i.e. mainly Danish ethnic origin) in the population in general by the end of the period. Our third result concerns drop-outs. Amongst young people who drop out of education (whether it is from primary school, secondary education, vocational training or higher education) mental health problems or a criminal record are overrepresented for those with parents without education and employment, in deprived neighbourhoods as well as and in general. Our results thus indicate that inequality of opportunity has improved for certain groups of young people who have grown up in deprived neighbourhoods, while at the same time also showing that there is still inequality of opportunity and life chances in Danish deprived neighbourhoods.