Videnskabelig artikel 23. JUL 2020
Parent Management Training Oregon Model and Family‑Based Services as Usual for Behavioral Problems in Youth: A National Randomized Controlled Trial in Denmark
Udgivelsens forfattere:
- Christoffer Scavenius
- Anil Chacko
- M. R. Lindberg
- Megan Granski
- M. M. Vardanian
- Maiken Pontoppidan
- Helle Hansen
- Misja Eiberg
Børn, unge og familie
Børn, unge og familie
This randomized control trial used intent-to-treat analyses to compare parent management training—Oregon model (PMTO)
(N = 64) to family-based services as usual (SAU) (N = 62) in 3.5–13-year-old children and their families in Denmark. Outcomes
were parent report of child internalizing and externalizing problems, parenting efficacy, parenting stress, parent sense
of coherence, parent-report of life satisfaction, and parental depressive symptoms. Outcomes were measured at pretreatment,
post-treatment, and 18–20 months post-treatment. Results demonstrated that both PMTO and family-based SAU resulted
in significant improvements in child externalizing and internalizing problems, parenting efficacy, as well as parent-reported
stress and depressive symptoms, life satisfaction, and aspects of sense of cohesion. Effect sizes at post-treatment and followup
were in the small to moderate range, consistent with prior PMTO evaluations. However, there were no significant differences
between PMTO and family-based SAU. Further research on the process and content of family-based SAU is needed
to determine how this approach overlaps with and is distinct from PMTO.
(N = 64) to family-based services as usual (SAU) (N = 62) in 3.5–13-year-old children and their families in Denmark. Outcomes
were parent report of child internalizing and externalizing problems, parenting efficacy, parenting stress, parent sense
of coherence, parent-report of life satisfaction, and parental depressive symptoms. Outcomes were measured at pretreatment,
post-treatment, and 18–20 months post-treatment. Results demonstrated that both PMTO and family-based SAU resulted
in significant improvements in child externalizing and internalizing problems, parenting efficacy, as well as parent-reported
stress and depressive symptoms, life satisfaction, and aspects of sense of cohesion. Effect sizes at post-treatment and followup
were in the small to moderate range, consistent with prior PMTO evaluations. However, there were no significant differences
between PMTO and family-based SAU. Further research on the process and content of family-based SAU is needed
to determine how this approach overlaps with and is distinct from PMTO.
Udgivelsens forfattere
- Christoffer ScaveniusAnil ChackoM. R. LindbergMegan GranskiM. M. VardanianMaiken PontoppidanHelle HansenMisja Eiberg
Om denne udgivelse
Publiceret i
Child Psychiatry & Human Development